Top 5 News Headlines Every Article Should Have and Optimize

Crafting compelling headlines is crucial for driving traffic and engagement to your news stories. Every article needs multiple optimized headlines for different contexts. Follow these SEO pro tips to hook readers and rank higher in search. For every published news article, SEO and Editorial teams must optimize the main Headline and Meta Title (some call it the SEO title). In addition to these tweo common headlines, we will discuss 5 different types if headlines each article should have in the CMS and should be optimized for maximum traffic and engagement. 

Google News Surfaces: Terminology, Impact on Traffic and More

When it comes to News on Google, I have heard many ways where SEOs refer to the different surfaces in correct and incorrect terminology. There is also a confusion on the importance of each news surface. 

Below you will find a infographic that simplifies and explains each news surface to remove the confusion. We also highlight the importance of each surface, what type of news, display, analytics tracking, performance tracking and its impact on Google Organic Search traffic. Continue scrolling beyond the infographic for more details.

Guard Your SEO: Are News Syndication Partners Hijacking Your Traffic?

In today's fiercely competitive digital marketing landscape, amplifying your brand’s voice is crucial. Paid news content syndication partners promise to help you achieve this goal, but what happens when these partnerships start eating into your traffic instead of boosting it? This comprehensive guide explores the complex terrain of paid news content syndication and its implications for your SEO strategy.

Top News-SEO Trends and Predictions in 2023

2023 News-SEO Trends and Predictions ... 

Thousands of publishers and news sites worldwide depend on their in-house News SEO teams and agencies for news template optimization, technical news optimization, paywall optimization, breaking news SEO recommendations, trends monitoring, keyword gap analysis and most definitely how to optimize for for Google News and Top Stories.


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