Newzdash Google News Reports

Here is a list of all the available reports

Top Google News Publishers Report

Users can view the top news publishers globally or just the top news sources for a single news editions

Single News Source/Publisher Report

Users can find all the info about a single news subdomain or a news publisher source. Users can filter by news edition, news section, news location, and time.

News Publishers Competitive Analysis Report

Users can compare up to 5 news sites and find weaknesses and strengths of each. The report provides a detailed list of all aspects of news rankings

Google News Section Report

Users can find all the info about a single news section per edition (homepage, sports, health, entertainment, etc) This report is a great source for all vertical specific publishers focusing on specific news sections

Google News Location Report

Users can find all the info about a single news location per edition (New Jersey, New York, Berlin, Toronto, etc) This report is a great source for all local publishers focusing on specific geo news

Single Story Report

Users can find all the info about a single news story for a specific news publisher. Accessible via other reports

All News Topics Report

Each homepage and news section offer a list of trending topics. These topics are reflection of what's trending in Google News based on the volume of content and/or the volume of trending search The report offers a list of top topics and detailed info on rankings

Breaking News Search Query Report

Track breaking news search queries in Google web search, including Google News cluster results.


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